Friday, November 25, 2005

Something to read when you have the time. World leaders denounce human rights violations while at the same time supplying the tools to do so. It's no secret to anyone, but this article should help put a few figures into everyones minds.

I know its a few months old, but better late than never.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Finally, Sony capitulates and issues a recall on cd's laden with high risk DRM software.

Anyone interested in the issue should check out the man who broke the news in the first place. All I have to say, Mark Russinovich is a true computer genius.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Remembrance Day 2005 Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 10, 2005

It seems astounding that it's already thursday. This week is flying by.

Colin and Lina arrived in town Saturday and stayed the night here. Sunday we braved the ridiculous winds for a visit to Niagara. We had a really good time, and the fireworks were a pleasant surprise! We were having dinner at The Keg on the 9th floor when the fireworks started up :). I haven't been able to speak to them since, but I'm sure they had a great time in the golden horseshoe. Right now they're in Toronto, taking in the plethora of sights. I tried to get Friday off to visit, but the boss was in a bad mood and it really doesn't seem likely. At least I'll be able to head out on Saturday and we'll have some time to hang out.

More news: I'm heading back to Winnipeg for Christmas! Picked up tickets from Westjet for a damn fine price - I'll be there December 19th-26th. Doubtless, good times will ensue.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

It's been a few weeks since last post, so I just thought I'd let everyone know that I'm not dead yet. I've merely been sidetracked. Last weekend was a lot of fun when Adam came over to do computer work and an impromptu LAN party was scheduled in my room, Tom and Paul bringing in their laptops. Many hours of WCIII - DotA All Stars was played, and much fun was had.

Also, since I popped in the new hard drive, I've gone on a game binge. The latest destroyer of my free time being F.E.A.R., an astoundingly addicting game. It manages to scare the hell out of me, throw some heart stopping action in, then frighten the wits out of me again all in the span of 20 minutes. The experience can be so intense at times that I need to pause and take a few minutes off to gather myself for the next foray into the abyss. Check out the website for more information on the game.

Yes, I did promise Winnipeg pictures. And No, I still haven't uploaded them. I'm just lazy.