Friday, February 08, 2008

So I was watching the preview for this new movie Jumper. It looks like it could be interesting, if for no other reason than teleportation is very cool. But I must admit to being somewhat irritated by something in the preview. Mr. Sam Jackson, looking angry and obviously addressing the protagonist, insists that "Only God should have the ability to be all places".

Now, I'm not exactly a religious fellow. In fact, I don't actually subscribe to the whole "There is a God" belief. I consider myself to be a kind of Absurdist. Nevertheless, I've done my fair share of study on the subject, and I like to imagine that I have a fair grasp of the logic within the belief system.

Here we go. God is the creator. All life springs from his touch, or whatever you want to call it. From his mind. God is pretty powerful, and altogether badass, so he doesn't make mistakes. Kind of like how people like to insist all those poor folks who suffer from various handicaps are still God's Children. Unless they believe in something else, then they're damn heathens that deserve to rot in eternal damnation. Oops, I went off topic. Sorry.

(And I digress - not all religious folk believe with such zeal that everyone outside their belief system should rot in hell. Sadly, quite a few do. I find it profoundly ironic.) our protagonist was born with a genetic anomaly. A pretty kick ass genetic anomaly. It allows him to teleport. Cool! Must be a gift from God. Why? Because everything comes from God. There can be no doubt: He created this gift. So, the response is self evident. Logic dictates that it most definitely is not something that 'Only God' can do, because God gave this ability to our protagonist, as only He has the power to do. End of discussion, right?

Since Hollywood writers never make logic mistakes - they're way too smart for that. We should assume that the character was meant to sound like a fool. He's a bad guy, after all! Just another religious zealot that doesn't understand his own belief system. Maybe they'll address that in the movie, maybe not. Either way, why do we always have to put up with the same annoyingly stupid villains all the time? It's been done, and done, and done.


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