Monday, April 17, 2006

The Easter Bunny Hates You

Go here now! Hilarious!

such fun, such fun, such fun, such

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

rrrrrroll up the rrrrrrim to....lose!

I never really played the fabled Tim Hortons contest outside the past two years, because 'Timmy's' isn't really as much of an institution anywhere else in the way it is around here.

And I admit, I've been sucked in. I make daily runs to Tim's from work for an extra large, double-double, steeped tea. Sometimes they put a little too much sugar in it, but usually its just right.

This of course means I've been playing rrroll up the rrrim to win for the past two years as well. And not to sound obsessive or anything, but I've managed to keep a pretty accurate count on my winnings vs purchases. Keeping track of my winnings over the past two years has been pretty easy, in fact. Because I haven't won a single thing! I've had in excess of fifty drinks, the number stands at about 53 right now. That's 0 for 53. The posted odds are 1 in 9.

So either my luck really blows, or they're full of crap.

i don't belong here

Monday, April 10, 2006

It happened again, I'm sick as a dog. It just hit this evening, and right now I feel bloody awful. Tried sleeping for a few hours and it didn't really work, so drinking a tea right now and coughing up phlegm. I'm getting a *little* frustrated right about now - I had a terrible sickless only last month that lasted for near two weeks. I don't think I've ever had so much trouble with getting sick as I have the past little while. But c'est la vie I guss.

I went rollerblading today (before the sickness hit) for the first time since I left Winnipeg, so getting close to 3 years. I'm happy to announce I didn't fall on my ass! And overall, my back was a little sore, but I felt pretty decent. I'm hoping to get back on the ball this summer with the blading.

why don't you call someone and find out how it is we can all belong to something that no one wants any part of

Friday, April 07, 2006

A New Beginning...

I have excuses for not posting. Kathryn and Kerryn were here, and we were extremely busy for 6 weeks. I promise to update on that either tonight or this weekend. The last week, I have no excuse other than laziness and being "mopey". The situation will be rectified, and a new beginning will commense...

karenaide ichirin no hana