So I found something amusing. It's a job predictor. You input your name, and it tells you what your ideal job is. Apparently, my ideal profession is a Suicide Bomber.
Click this link to find yours!
1 10011-10101-10-101-11-10100 1111-110 111-10010-101-1-10100 1-111-1001-10100-1-10100-1001-1111-1110.
So I found something amusing. It's a job predictor. You input your name, and it tells you what your ideal job is. Apparently, my ideal profession is a Suicide Bomber.
Matt Goulet, Your ideal job is a As the Local always in the pub whenever you walk in.
That took me a bit to understand, it's not worded very well.
Apparently, my future lies in prostitution.
sandy, apparently destined to be the Prime Minister
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