Saturday, July 24, 2004

It now appears that certain keystrokes have the power of crashing my computer.  For example, the 'k' at the end of the word 'quick'.  Or the 's' when I start to type, in anger after having restarted, the word 'shit'.  Computers know when you mean to badmouth them.  Now this doesn't necessarily relegate my particular hunk to the area reserved for excrement, and other types of waste.  Though repeated Windows Protection Errors may lead the unsavvy individual to assume as much.  No, the reality of the situation is that computers, like mammals, possess the ability to succumb to mood swings.  Doubt me not, anyone who owns and loves one of these little pieces of electronic beauty will attest to the truth of my assertion.  I suppose it's the fact that we love these things, that leads us to accept their outbursts - forgive them, even.  When I think about it, I'd have to say they're a lot like women that way.  They both can sure frustrate a guy, but how boring would life be without 'em?


At 9:56 am, Blogger With Open Hands said...

Tottally understand the computer thing. I most hold on to patience at these Mitchell Library computers. So Slow sometimes. But I forgive them. These is to your blog before this blog. Jon's guide to get Canada Soccer antmosphere up to European Football atmosphere.
First and most important thing is you have to come up with songs bashing and hateing the other teams. You have to be up for singing our else you'll never beat European atmosphere. Second you got to have some soccer holligans. More songs. Seats for visitors in the stadium. Also have to have a group of people that follow them when they have an away game. Flags. You have to have an extreme love of soccer. O yeah and you got to be cockee. Got to say we'll kick your asses you muppets. You got no chance. This is are home. We are from Manitoba, We are from Manitoba, Bombers bombers. I'm going to make up Bombers songs when I arrive back in Manitoba. Maybe I'll look like a fool. But I want to bring some of that European atmosphere.

At 1:04 pm, Blogger m@ said...

That'd be awesome Jon! You'll get all of Winnipeg singing at the games!


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