Saturday, January 17, 2004

Today, I decided to give a slightly different offering from the usual fare. It's a poem! Yes, I know, poetry is boring etc etc. But in so many ways, it isn't. So read this little piece I wrote up a couple years ago and let me know how you like it :).

A Test In Devotion

It was at this time very late,
That I sat with my newest mate;
I looked upon her face uncreased,
And along this body I would feast;
Across from us, the bed we’d lay,
I turned to her, so I could say;
"I speak the truth, and hear no lies,
As the young, old men cannot rise,
So let us mingle, before time flies."

She looked at me and said aloud,
“You would seduce me? Who is so proud?
Yet I see in your eyes I cannot resist,
My only choice now is but to desist.”
Then she looked at me, eyes thin and sultry,
With joy, I knew I’d won my adultery;
Yet even as we tore off our clothes in glee,
What to my lusting eyes should I see?
This thing, sharing an appendage with me!

I screamed and yelled, and ran away,
From the foul room where that creature lay;
I vowed I would never tell my wife,
This most terrible episode of my life;
The next day she asked me for the truth,
The whole thing, with nothing construeth;
I looked right into her eyes,
And may all forgive me for my lies,
I said “I was out drinking with the guys.”

It's so hard to believe a n00b like me came up with such, such WONDERFUL poetry hey? ;).

INotD: Jizzmopper.


Edit: The last 3 lines of each stanza are supposed to be indented 7 spaces but this cheap bloody crappy blogger editor won't take any sort of formatting, no tabs, no spaces...


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