I'm pretty excited about the big game tomorrow morning. Here's hopin the boys come out on top! They'll be playing probably the best squad the US has ever iced at the tournament, but I still think we've got the talent to triumph.
In other news, it's bloody damn cold tonight. Last time I looked it was -43. I was outside today, walking. I was also wearing sport pants, instead of something with any ability to maintain even a semblance or warmth. I had to take a piss, but had to wait for my dingle to thaw out. Southern Ontario has been spoiling me lately with a rather tame take on winter, but leave it to Winnipeg to remind me what this season is really about: Blizzards and frozen nutsacks. Thank You!
Oh, and I'd like to send a vociferous "Fuck You!" do the Shell station on Portage Ave just past Whytewold. We stopped for gas, and they have their stupid little safety thing so you can't gas up until you either pay with credit card at the pump or with cash inside. Anyhow, we didn't notice this at first but I was on my way into the store with ten bucks to pay while Dan was just about to start pumping. So, I see there's another guy waiting at the door to go in and pay, and it's locked. The attendant was off somewhere strokin his peewee while we sat there locked outside in sub -40 weather.
Then he finally shows up, goes to the till and uses an intercom to give Dan shit for pushing the gas button before he paid, and let me tell you, this guy was a bloody prick about it. Hey moron, It's Hard To Pay Inside When We're Locked Out!!! Then he finally unlocked the door and I gave him his 10 bloody dollars just as Dan stuck his head in the door and said, "You don't have to be a fucking asshole". The other customer was saying, "This store is a fucking joke", as I wandered around various piles of chips and other items left scattered around the floor.
We decided then and there - that's the last time we're going to that particular Shell station.
So, I'd like to introduce the newest addition to my blog: The Insulting Name of the Day! On most or all future blogs (or until I decide to just quit doing it) I'll be putting in an insulting name that someone may be called for whatever reasons. In some cases I may even write up a situation or an explanation, and on very rare occasions - both!
Today's INotD is: Sackface. As in: "That gas attendant today was a damn sackface."
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