Tuesday, December 23, 2003

That thread I was talking about yesterday seems to have died down in the activity a bit, but there was just one post I found really amusing so for my first topic I thought I'd just paste it for shits n'giggles.

"Okay, I am happy to let this thread continue, I think its good that the community address this issue as best they can. Try to keep personal flames to a minimum and watch your language.

As a point of note: I have read the messages sent from ID to the kingdom in question. I am very disasappointed in the childish behavior that SoD displayed....

So, regardless of what you think about the children issue, keep this in mind. We will ENFORCE a good community if we have to.

Terin "

So, it seems harmless enough, it's the guy that I think is in charge of marketing, or some crap, laying some smack down right? But I just laughed when I read it. I mean, does keeping personal flames to a minimum not include calling a kingdom childish? Probably. Rules don't often apply to those who make or enforce them. Either way, if it was meant to be ironic or if it was meant to be really serious, I just laughed, and I thought it should be posted so that everyone can either see what I'm laughing at, or just think I'm a screw ball. Next topic...

I read something in the paper today that I found rather interesting and I really thought was worth mentioning. Les Shaw from Toronto who owns Shawcor Ltd has been really generous of late. In fact, Mr. Shaw has donated over $500,000 US to the loved ones of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Said Shaw, "We in North America and other parts of the world, we take freedom for granted...Yet here's these young fellows and their families who are giving the ultimate sacrifice to sustain the freedom we enjoy." Upon receiving permission and contact information for the families, Shaw donated a sum of $2,000US to nearly 250 families of soldiers lost in the war. He has also made an offer of $2,500 Cdn to the families of the six Canadian soldiers killed in Afghanistan.

The letter sent with the donation reads: "It is too easy for many of us in North America to take our wonderful freedoms for granted; obviously, your loved one did not. Please accept this small token as a gesture of heartfelt thanks from an appreciative Canadian. Spend it however you think your fallen hero would want." These letters have prompted more than 100 responses including photos and other tokens of remembrance.

All I have to say is that whether anyone agrees or not with the War in Iraq, the fact of the matter is that those soldiers there believe they are fighting for freedom. Everyone should respect that. As for Les Shaw, I'd like to offer a kudos to you. You've truly done all Canadians proud.

~K (ks_world_blog@hotmail.com)


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