Two Thousand and Four, here we go! So I thought about what to write about for this my first post of the new year. I decided to write up some resolutions, at the risk of being terribly generic. I've never actually bothered with New Years Resolutions in the past, unless we include back in elementary school when we were forced to come up with some sort of crap to put on a paper and hand in. But I decided to do it for you, my ever-demanding readers. So I thought about what exactly constitutes a proper new years resolution. The accepted norm seems to be that a person will resolve to change something about themselves or their lifestyle for the better, or to do something specific such as an activity or high profile purchase such as 'i resolve to buy a fancy new house'. My resolutions, obviously, won't be so lofty as purchasing a new house. Though I'd certainly love to move out, the prospect quite simply doesn't make sense from an economical standpoint. Of course, economics can change drastically over the course of the year.
With this in mind, I resolve to:
- learn French to an at least moderate degree of fluency, thus increasing my value in the job market.
- find a job that I don't hate
- perhaps finally get that knee surgery I've been needing
- work out more often, damnit
- get a new computer, thus replacing my old piece of ass comp
- find some good people to drink with down in the Waterloo area, as of yet all the good drinking buddies I have are still in Winnipeg
- be a better person, and not a cynic
Well, maybe scratch that last one. Anyhow, thats about all I can come up with for now. If I think of something new I'll come back and edit this. Next post will be things I'm looking forward to in 2004. Yay! Already becoming less of a cynic.
~K (
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