Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Ladies and Gentlemen, my faithful readers. Today's blog marks the official first anniversary of K's World!

It almost came upon me by surprise, but I was looking through my archives recently when it suddenly hit me - It's been about a year now. I double checked, and behold - First blog was dated December 15th, 2003.

I remember well having requested a blog for the website, and being turned down in what at the time I felt was a distinctly rude manner. I took that disappointment and created my own niche in protest, vowing it would be far more interesting and last a lot longer than anything on the ill-managed DQ site. (For the record, DQ made the decision to start up player weblogs after I had begun this one, and has since trashed the section - due to lack of production or lack of interest I don't know, by then I had quit playing the game.)

K's World has been through quite a few changes since the inception. Including two or three major template changes, and a constant series of link additions, deletions, and reorganizations. Content wise though, things have stayed fairly consistent. Other than the abandoned InotD section. But I would like to think that in spite of a consistent array of themes, the delivery of said themes has improved. It is also my intention to work hard at continuing to improve.

That said, the last year has been pretty damn interesting, and I'm more than happy to have shared so much of it via this medium. I'd like to thank my readers for their perseverance through the year. I hope everyone who has chanced upon this little corner of the world wide web has enjoyed their visit, and continues to do so in the future!



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