Consider the demons exorcized! Damn that game had it all - portions of tight checking, portions of freeflowing offense, some great goaltending, hard hitting, heart stopping moment and tonnes of entertainment. I was honestly on the edge of my seat the entire game. The Czech's put up one hell of a fight - they played really great hockey. But in the end, Canadian grit and determination won the day - props to all the players who had stand out games - and extra props to Vincent Lecavalier for notching the game winning goal in overtime. 4-3 baby! Way to go Canada! As for Tuesday - Bring on Finland!!
I'm set up for afternoon shift next week - looks like I'll be taking tuesday evening off! Whether my boss grants it or no; I may be forced to come down with a sudden sickness. Woowoo can't wait!
Yo Big B
From the Flip Side Of The Atlantic I Bring U Me
Go both Canadian National Teams. Come on Canada you can win your last to games. Some luck will have to happen for them to get to the next round for Germany. Wrape it up in Hockey boys.
Peace Out
If the Americans don't vote in Kerry there DICKS. Stupid Dicks that have no brains.
lol Yes Jon, they are dicks.
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