Sunday, April 11, 2004

It's less than 20 hours until flight time, and I'm getting pretty excited. Packing has been going pretty well, but I've been forced to spend more money on the little things than I had originally hoped. Nevertheless, I'm pleased. I got a really good bag at a store on Yonge street in Toronto for $20. Right now I'm listening to a Hard Rock CD I made probably 2 or 3 years ago, and I'm really getting into it lol. The blood is pumping!

This trip is going to be bloody fantastic. 10 weeks in a land I've never been to, nothin but a couple items of clothing, a few bucks and a good buddy. I really think this'll be a good experience for me. To grow as a person. To be honest, I think there's been a lot of things in my life that have changed me and stifled my own growth. I have shit for confidence in social situations, without a doubt. That could be from having any such potential beaten away at a young age. That's fine though, I'm pretty aware that years spent grovelling and hiding from the next torture isn't necessarily the best way to build up any level of assertiveness. I can understand this.

I may just goto Europe and come back a different person, who knows. The point is that I need this holiday as much as anything, it's a huge opportunity to find those qualities that I've always wished I had, but could never reach.

Enough of that sap. I'd like to send out props to the boys at Ragnarok F.C. in Winnipeg for coming out on top 3-2 in their playoff opener last night. Way to come out strong boys!

Game 3 of the Vancouver vs Calgary series started tonight at 9:30EST. GO CANUCKS! I could point out that the Canucks haven't lost in their last 9 games at the Pengrowth Saddledome, but we all know that in the playoffs - all bets are off. Shoving that statistic aside, I'll just point out the Vancouver kicks ass, and they're going to kick some Calgary ass tonight! Go boys!

On a final note. I hope everyone of my readers continues to tune in to this address in the future. Because all of my updates will be coming in the form of blogs, as opposed to emails. I'll keep things updated as often as I possibly can, but if I happen to miss a couple days, don't fear for my life, just take heart that I'm having a helluva time :D.

Peace out folks! Catch ya on the flip side.


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