Ok everyone, the Rwandan government has sent out a call for a worldwide minute of silence at 12:00 noon local time on April 7th, 2004. This date is the 10-year anniversary of the start of the genocide that took hundreds of thousands of lives. For a more in depth story, visit here.
I'd like to send a quick props to Merc, who showed me the light. As a result, I've tracked down means to put comments in my own blog. Using the same source Merc does! Funny how that happens. :P
More props to my buddy Colin for his recent dialogue about Microsoft and the asinine behaviour exhibited by the people United States who insist that there should be a severe penalty for being successful. Frankly, this makes me wonder why no one has taken Wal-Mart to court yet. I mean, since Wal-Mart offers it's own Photo department, isn't this taking advantage of their 'monopoly' to drive stores like Blacks out of business? Hell, their electronics department must be unfair as well. Apparently, making a product worse is the highway to a fair market. It sounds like backwards capitalism to me.
Did anyone notice how much money Microsoft is getting taken for by the EU? The fine was over 600-million. (To be distributed among EU member states - what a great way to make some quick cash!)
Anyhow, feel free to leave comments in my brand spankin new comment boxes! Go ahead and go back through past posts as well! I know everyone has had things to say, just not the time to write up an email. Now I've given you the power! Use it wisely.
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