Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I left work yesterday and things were fine. I got home from work and my computer was royally screwed. The parents absolutely insist that they didn't do anything. But I shouldn't' be too bothered by their insistence upon innocence. The entire point of malware is that it gets in when you don't realize it, obviously. I'm just happy I was able to get rid of it - even though it took until 3:30am to fix. Things are running fine right now, but I'm almost scared to leave for work. But I shouldn't be irrational - yesterday was just some bad luck, right?

My cousins sent us a CD brimming with pictures and videos of Cuba goodness. They've also given me permission to post, so I'll be taking the opportunity in the coming days to upload a few of those shots. I think the important thing right now is to figure out where the hell I put the CD.

Colin made me download The Servant - Cells (lyric version, not instrumental) and I must say it's a very cool tune. I recommend everyone go give it a listen.

Carnivale on Sunday was excellent as always - very tense and really sets things up for the final battle next week. I saw a preview for next Sunday, and the entire way through my face must have been frozen in some sort of visage attempting to convey numerous emotions. Not the least of which including some sort of manifestation of the all-consuming need I feel to witness what will doubtless be one of the greatest finales I've ever partook of. It looks that good. Only 5 more days...

Note: I just found the CD of pictures - life is good.


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