Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Now the debate starts.

The PS3 has been revealed.

1 core with 7 SPE's vs 3 cores with 2 hardware threads each. The ability for programmers to push the most out of the hardware will heavily depend on the development tools they're given.

The nVidea GPU is impressive - They took a bit of a different route than ATI did with the Xbox GPU - but I wouldn't say it's more powerful than the ATI counterpart.

The capacity for 7 wireless controllers is a nice touch. I wonder about what kind of games will be compatible with 7 players at once through one unit. For example will Gran Tourismo create 7 separate screens for every player? That's a lot of strain on the hardware.

Anyhow - we have 2 impressive consoles so far - next up is Nintendo Revolution.


At 6:58 pm, Blogger m@ said...

Football, Soccer, etc... one screen, easy peasy.
I'm not a big fan of the huge boomerang controller, or the rounded top (or side).
And the Revolution has a sexy blue line, and would fit in my pocket.

At 8:30 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jaysin here...

I have some thoughts on where you could use 7 controllers. The first would be the sports games. Also could be useful for Mario Party style games. As for splitting the TV up into seven partitions, dont forget that the specs have 2 HDMI ports out for two TV screens. That means you could easily have two TV's with 4 partitions each.

I dont how often 2 tv's would be used like Sony states (remember how often those USB ports were used on the PS2), but the option is there.

As for the controllers, i expect that Sony will have two versions of the controllers, the new boomerang ones for the Japanese market, and probably ones similar to their current controller for here. If MS can have two styles of controllers for the XBox, im sure Sony can for their controllers.

Just some thoughts.

P.S. While most people think the Killzone 2 demo was a render, I sure hope it wasn't. A game like that could kick some MAJOR Halo ass.


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