Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Well, who would have thought? I'm back full time at Plasti-Fab once again. I don't mind, in fact I'm pleased about it. I've been working in the office for the last little while helping out with things, just on a casual basis. But orders in the plant have been backing up, and they've been needing extra hands. Hey, I've got 6 years of experience. In spite of the potential union conflicts with hiring the son of the Sales Manager, Randy the Plant Manager decided to get me in there. With some pressure from the friends I've made in the office. I have to say, it was pretty fun doing the math test while Jamie read off the answers for me - doing her best to help me get that position.

It's really good, actually. I mean, I know that when I left Plasti-Fab in Winnipeg I had a distinct impression that I wouldn't be working as a foam cutter again, but things don't always work out the way you might think. Why should I be excited to go back to work as a basic labourer, when I have a University Degree and at least a moderate dose of intelligence? The same answer as always: money. Or I should say, the money is good. I sure as shit wouldn't go back there for the rate I was getting paid back in Winnipeg. Importantly as well, the benefits are equally good.

So let me lay out my new plan for the year. Work at Plasti-Fab, even though by working in the plant I'll have to put up with union bastages. So I do that, and buy the one single thing I've been wanting for quite awhile now: A new computer. No problem, aside from the computer my only other expenses are rent, insurance, and my gym membership.

Now for the important part; Benefits kick in after 80 days. Then, I'll be able to do something, finally, that I've been meaning to do for the last 5 years. Get that bloody operation! It's abusing the system, I know, but to be honest I just don't care; I've put in more than enough time for this company I reckon. So, get that operation, see what kind of benefits I get during recovery, then when the benefits run out and I still can't work (Recovery is 6 months), I'll be forced to quit. My plan is to have a goodly amount of cash saved up at that point.

Just in case they happen to be reading this, I'd like to inform David and Sandy that they shouldn't worry. I still have every intention of helping out with building Amy's house out in Campbell River (If my help is wanted, that is). I'll schedule the operation for afterwards ;).

Sounds like a good plan to everyone? Sounds like a good plan to me.

I'll take the safety glasses, the steeltoes, the tape measure, the hot wires, the wire burn, the packing and wrapping and all the shit. I'll take it all, with the eye on the prize. Remember, we don't live to work; we work to live. Let the games begin.


At 5:57 pm, Blogger King Koop said...

So in light of your new work, how long do you have to spend in the Peg?

At 10:46 pm, Blogger Bryan said...

Unknown as of yet. I'll be pushing for 2 weeks though. Hopefully it'll be all good. If not, then they can kiss my ass.


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