Saturday, May 01, 2004

It's a beautiful day outside, for a change. That's 2.5 great days in the last 7, I swear that has to be some kind of record for this country.

Well, I'm not sure if I'll have any work for next week. The fellow at BlueArrow had promised to give me a call yesterday to let me know, but he never came through. I'm both annoyed and relieved. I'm annoyed because I bloody well need money. I'm relieved because I can't understand these people with their bloody heavy accents. Far too many of the conversations I've had with people around here have degenerated into me either nodding dumbly or just repeating over and over my requests for them to repeat themselves. I think tomorrow will be especially interesting - 60,000 insane people, screaming and yelling their demands, with no time to slow down their speech for a Canadian.

I admit, I'm feeling kinda lazy right now with respect to putting up news links and such. So sue me, I got up early and spent an hour making french toast and bacon for breakfast. It's such a nice day, I just feel like walking to the park, laying down, and relaxing until the sun goes down.

Anyhow, I'll clue everyone on Monday about how the work and game went. Actually, no I don't think I will. Monday is a Bank Holiday, so I don't think the library will be open. I'll be back on Tuesday for sure then! Have a good one peeps!


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