Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Today's Penny Arcade cartoon made me laugh out loud, rather rambunctiously; resulting in numerous stares and annoyed looks from the patrons around me. I can't help it, it's just really damn funny. Note to people who may not understand: The "Live" that is being referred to is X-Box Live, the online service used by X-Box owners to play each other. Penny Arcade has griped in the past about the asinine behaviour exhibited by some players.

Last night James, Jon and I went to an Irish pub in downtown Glasgow. Maybe it's just me, but I found it amusing: Three Canadians, in Scotland, in an Irish pub. There was a function on the lower level (the pub consists of 6 gloriously decorated levels). They had a live band, and played an Irish quiz game. There was a brief tense moment when the quizzer asked "What is the currency of Ireland?" and someone shouted back "Which part?" The quizzer was rather befuddled, and the consternation and general offendedness of the audience grew when a few helpful people ran up to the quizzer's stand, checked the answer, and advised him to refer to the "Republic of Ireland". The three of us viewed the festivities from one of the upper levels, and I think we enjoyed it almost as much as they did.

I consumed 2 drinks only, a Tennett's Lager followed by a Rum&Coke. Monetary restraints were the cause of that unfortunate lack. I think I should be commended for the willpower in holding back, even if I'm the one that commends myself...That Rum&Coke went down very, very smoothly. I wonder if it's a sign that the particular Bacardi brand I had is just that good, or a sign that everything else to drink here is so bad - that the rum just tastes that much better. Maybe I was just thirsty.

James and I had a meeting with the people at BlueArrow today - a temp agency. They've promised to find work for us as soon as possible, but unfortunately there's nothing on tap at the moment. I'm really glad I was able to save up as much money as I did before coming here, unfortunately I fear that I'll return home with little to nothing. Then I have to somehow find a way to get myself to Winnipeg. There will be a lot of fun and partying during my time there, it'll be great to see the friends and family again. I'd just rather not be one of those ppl who refuses to do anything because he's broke.

In the long run though, it's all worth it. Were I to subscribe to the absurdist view of life, then I should be bloody pleased about this trip - and I am. James and I, being the philosophers that we are, have had time to discuss a few things about life so far, and doubtless we'll discuss many more. One of our discussions was about absurdism. To sum it up for everyone: Life is absurd. We're born, we live, then we die. That's it. Conclusion: Make the absolute most you can out of it.

With that in mind:

Europe; though you may break my bank, I will conquer you - and be that much the richer for it.


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