Saturday, February 19, 2005

I've been bad lately, in reference to my blog. I apologize. I've been wrapped up, so to speak, in a game of immense entertainment value. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. I have to say, that in spite of a few glitches here and there, this game kicks ass. Anyone who scrolls down to my Xfire banner can see the evidence of how I've been possessed by KotoR II.

And I've completely neglected to make any mention about the NHL (My bad!). Yes, the season is cancelled. Yes, I'm pissed off. No, I am not surprised. The problem is that both sides seemed absolutely set on not seeing eye to eye. The owners, determined to create a system that can protect them from themselves - with a players association that insists they have no right to protect themselves from their own idiocy. It's not framed in that way, but strip away the crap and it boils down to something very much like what I've painted. The worst part is that, with things the way they are, I fear the season will be at the least cut short next year as well. If it isn't altogether cancelled again. Do any of us think they'll hit over-drive on the negotiations now, or anytime this summer? I'm not sure Bettman feels he's made enough of an impression on the NHLPA yet. But we can still hope...

In other news, I've discovered that Audioslave plans on releasing their second album this June. I've very excited about this. The first album, released in 2002, was positively brilliant.

Going to the Auto Show in Toronto tomorrow. Can't wait to see the new Z06 up close! Look for pictures tomorrow.


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