Been on midnights this week, hasn't been bad at all though. Just trying to sleep during the day is bothersome when people keep making noise that wakes a guy up.
Shaun and I hit upon a plan last night though. Since we finished all the contour orders halfway through the night, and found ourselves gluing pieces for the final 4 hours, we thought perhaps if the extra contour work has been completed - maybe we can switch back to afternoons today. Last night was the 4th shift this week, so come home in the morning, sleep for a few hours, go back in the afternoon - finished the full week of work by Thursday night, meaning a 3-day weekend. We ran the idea past Randy this morning, but he has no idea what the workload is looking like. Told us to call back at 2pm to find out what's going on. It would be pretty cool if it works out. I guess we'll find out in about 6 hours.
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