Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Some news updates:

Iran has agreed to let UN inspectors back into the country by the end of the month.

Spain's ruling Pro-US party was swept from power in recent elections. Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero's Socialists have pledged to pull Spanish troops from Iraq unless the United Nations takes control. This comes on the heels of heated debate about whether the recent terrorist attack in Madrid was fueled by the support for the war in Iraq given by then-Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar.

Next, I recommend everyone go HERE and tell me what they think about this possibility. I personally think it is a wonderful, excellent idea. If you support it, then Spread The Word! Inform people about it! Apathy gets us nowhere.

Last news item of the day: I ate some soup and grilled cheese for lunch, and I beat mom at a game of cribbage. Beat her pretty good too, by about 27 points.




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